December 27, 2018

CHEEERS receives SAMHSA Grant to train Peers as Doulas

CHEEERS offers unique training opportunity to Arizona credentialed Peer Supports.
Under a unique and innovative program CHEEERS Recovery Center has received funding though SAMHSA’s Building Communities of Recovery Grants to provide credentialed Peer/ Recovery Supports who currently or plan to work with pregnant women with substance use disorders specialized training to become a certified Doula.

What’s a Doula?

A doula, also known as a birth companion, birth coach or post-birth supporter, is a non-medical person who assists a woman before, during, or after childbirth, to provide emotional support and physical help if needed. They also may provide support to the mother's partner and family. 


CHEEERS believes that Peer Support is part of the solution to address Arizona’s Opiate and Substance Use Epidemic. Integrated Health addressing the whole person, providing support for pregnancy and recovery; it’s a win win! 

  • Consider that in the date range of June15, 2017 – November 21, 2018, Arizona reported 1450 babies with Neonatal Abstinence Disorder, and estimated that only 51% of women with Opiate Addiction are receiving the recommended treatment while pregnant. 
  • We know that pregnant women often do not seek services and support due to fear, judgment and shame and we know that Peer Support can help.  Receiving proper treatment, care and support is critical in the woman’s health and in the health of her baby. 
  • Providing Arizona’s peer supports with doula training will better prepare the workforce to assist pregnant women through the prenatal care, birth and post-partum phases while supporting the unique issues relating to recovery and substance use.  
  • Continuous support during pregnancy and birth from a person outside the mother's family or social circle, is associated with reduced mortality rates, improved overall health of the mother and the baby, shorter labor time,  and a lower need for medical interventions and can reduce a mothers' negative feelings about their childbirth experience.
  •  Our trained Peers as Doulas will be better equipped and qualified to assist with not only the recovery aspects of the women’s journey, but also the birthing process and how to support healthy pregnancy and outcomes for both the mother and infant.


This unique opportunity will provide Arizona’s Peer Recovery Specialists with training to include testing and certification costs to become a doula and  work with Pregnant, Post- Partum women (and their families) who have substance use and mental health disorders. 

The initial Doula Training will be provided in a 2 day class in Maricopa County as well as in Northern and Southern Arizona.  Becoming a certified doula requires additional classes, providing continuous in labor support for 3 births and references from 2 mothers and the medical practitioners.  CHEEERS has contracted with trainers and will assist Peers in receiving required trainings and working through the process. All fees associated with materials and classes will be covered under the grant.  To learn more about the Certification process visit

Training Schedule:
February:  Thursday 2/20 & Friday 2/21, 2020 
 Must be present both days 8:30 to 5:30 pm 

May:  Thursday 5/7 & Friday 5/8 , 2020
in Tucson
Must be present both days 

September:  Thursday 9/10 & Friday 9/11, 2020 
Location TBD
must be present both days 


To be eligible, individuals must be credentialed peer supports in Arizona, or be a person with lived experience in recovery from substance use disorder, who is willing to become credentialed as a Peer and complete the Doula Certification as well.  CHEEERS will offer both trainings under the program.  Class sizes are limited to 10-12 individuals.

Please contact Lisa Zaran , Project Coordinator for Building Communities of Recovery Grant at 602-246-7607 ext. 2130   for more information and to register for the trainings.

August 21, 2018

On the Move

CHEEERS Recovery Center congratulates two of our team members for their recent and ongoing accomplishments. 

Express Yourself 

FrankeyJune Tewers, a loyal employee of more than 4 years, has been promoted to our Expressions of Hope Programming Coordinator at CHEEERS. Expressions of Hope combines creativity and artistic expression with recovery principles. The program helps our members learn new ways of coping, expressing themselves, exploring spirituality and building confidence, while learning a new skill and creating some magnificent pieces of artwork or jewelry. FrankeyJune has worked as a Recovery Mentor covering a variety of life skills programming at CHEEERS, however; her true passion and talent has been no secret, she's an artist!  We are excited for FrankeyJune to take on this new role and bring her creativity and skills to our program participants. Look through the weekly class schedule and come join us in Expressions of Hope.  Click here for the monthly art calendar of classes.


Renee Medunic was recently appointed to the Mercy Care Member Advisory Committee. This committee works together with the health plan and the Office of Individual and Family Affairs to make suggestions for program and outreach service improvements, to better engage members and to ensure that those with lived experience are involved in policy issues and development. Renee works as a Support Services Manager within our day program at CHEEERS. She leads a team of Peer Supports, Mentors and Specialists who share their experience strength and hope with our members in groups, one to ones and a variety of services and events. Renee is a “train the trainer” in an evidence based smoking cessation program called The Dimensions, and is also  certified to provide SAMHSA’s evidence based practice of Whole Health Action Management or WHAM.
Renee is delighted with her recent appointment to the Member Advisory Committee and looks forward to making a difference. Way to go Renee!

June 25, 2018

Seeds of Recovery

Cucumbers, cantaloupe, basil, sage, mint, tomatoes, pomegranate, flowers and various  succulent plants make up the CHEEERS community garden. Seeds of Recovery is a gardening group that establishes a connection between personal recovery and skills associated with gardening.  Creating enough space to grow, keeping the soil rich with nutrients and the importance of staying hydrated are just some of the conversations  our program participants have as they  maintain the community garden here at CHEEERS.   It's urprising how many  similarities there are between recovery and gardening!   Participants are encouraged to participate  in the CHEEERS community garden by thinking  creatively about what and where they want to plant,  and how to plant in a way that will create a beautiful garden.  Like gardening , recovery must be purposeful. Our participants tell us the Seeds of Recovery group is a relaxed atmosphere , that allows them to share openly with each other.  Vegetables from the community garden at CHEEERS are used in our Let's Dish Cooking classes and/ or are made available to the participants if we have abundance !  Darrin Perkins our Facility Lead Support has done a fantastic job with this special program ! 

June 21, 2018

CHEEERS Participants Release 1st Newsletter !

Coming together to create something so special is just one of the things that makes CHEEERS great! We have truly amazing participants that inspire us daily. We are pleased to share the 1st Edition Participant created, written, designed, and edited Newsletter.

 Nice job, putting this together, working together and sharing your expereince, strength and hope with others ! We look forward to reading your "Summer"  release.  Read the Newsletter

CHEEERS Board of Directors elects new Vice Chair

On Monday, June 18, 2018 CHEEERS Board of Directors elected member representative Robert Wright to serve as our new Vice Chair.
Member representation on our Board of Directors is a critical component to ensure that CHEEERS remains a program and agency that is dedicated to and effectively meets the needs of individuals with mental health and substance use disorders. In the role of Vice Chair,  Robert will not only attend and be a voting member on our governance Board of Directors,  he will also be a trusted member of our Executive Committee. The  Executive Committee is responsible for convening anytime there is a priority matter or  issue of high significance that requires Board of Directors notification, input  or decision outside of  the regularly scheduled meetings.   Congratulations Robert!  Robert is joined on our Board of Directors by other member representatives from CHEEERS,  Linda Blair and Sheree Lee. They are also voting members that serve on our Board of Directors  of which more than 90%  of  the members identify as having lived experience.